I choose not to pay. NHK's general standards of broadcasting are reminiscent of the BBC's about 30 years ago. While I'm obliged to pay for the service, sadly, NHK appears to be under no obligation to provide programs that I want to watch.

Admittedly, I am impressed that they have started showing "Doctor Who" on NHK-Education, but I'm never home when it's on and there are no subtitles, just a choice between English (fine by me, of course) and Japanese dubbing, which I am reliably informed is atrocious.

So, NHK is getting no money from me until they start broadcasting programs that are actually entertaining and/or informative. I hope someone from NHK is reading this, as they appear to have no interest in viewer feedback, judging by the lack of a contact e-mail address on their Web site.

simon foston