Writing in The Guardian on Oct. 16, Mark McCrum listed 10 "hot tips to avoid social embarrassment" while traveling overseas. There were three among these travel faux pas that particularly caught my eye.

Drinking or talking during a toast in Azerbaijan is a definite no-no. These toasts can apparently last for hours. What an admirable tradition! Disallowing drinking or talking during a toast should be a custom adopted around the world as a way to deal with alcoholic blabbermouths in one fell swoop.

Giving the thumbs-up sign in Iran is also not kosher. That particular gesticulation means "Sit on this!" to an Iranian. Putting aside the fact that you'd have to be a double-jointed hermaphrodite to sit on two thumbs, U.S. President George W. Bush had better watch out when he rides atop a tank into "liberated" Tehran. No one will throw flowers at a president who doesn't know his thumb from a hole in the ground.