The lineup of the Liberal Democratic Party's leadership and the Cabinet under new Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda testifies to Mr. Fukuda's eagerness to create a whole-party setup that can overcome the offensive from the opposition forces, which now control the Upper House.

Mr. Fukuda appointed leaders of four of the eight factions that supported him in the LDP presidential election to the LDP's top four posts and the leaders of two other factions that also supported him to two Cabinet posts.

Although Mr. Fukuda asked Mr. Taro Aso, former foreign minister and LDP secretary general, who was his rival in the election, to join the Cabinet, Mr. Aso firmly refused to do so. But Mr. Fukuda opted to retain two Cabinet ministers who had voted for Mr. Aso in an apparent attempt to secure party unity and not alienate Mr. Aso. The two Cabinet ministers in question are Justice Minister Kunio Hatoyama and Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Akira Amari.