Japanese teachers who refuse to stand and face the Hinomaru national flag and to sing the "Kimigayo" anthem at school events should not be required to go through retraining or be fined. That they are should raise flags of concern for everyone.

On Oct. 5, there will be an International Day of Action to Defend Antiwar Japanese Teachers. Rallies will be held in a show of support to stop firings and repression of Japanese teachers who oppose war. There will be a rally at the Japanese Consulate in San Francisco to show support for these teachers who have stood up to displays of excessive militarism in schools.

As an ex-pat who lived in Japan for six years, I can attest to the power of conformity that exists in Japanese society. From the standpoint of civil and human rights, it is even more important in such a society that those who choose not to fall in line with convention not be punished. There is a reason they have done this, and more people should be made aware of them.

chris brizzard