Last year, a prince was born in the Imperial family. As a result, some people are pleased that Imperial line is set to continue, but I can't be pleased. I think the tradition of exalting the Imperial family should be abolished for three reasons:
First, the emperor no longer has any function. After the end of World War II, the emperor lost practical power. Although the emperor and other blood royals extend greetings to the Japanese people at special events and meet with foreign royals, these tasks could and should be taken up by the prime minister and the people in the Foreign Ministry.
Second, the amount of money for keeping up the Imperial Household could be better used elsewhere -- for example, to promote nursing care insurance. Today, the national economy is in the red, and some politicians suggest increasing the consumption tax. Before they increase the consumption tax, they should reduce meaningless expenses.
Third, blood royals seem to be miserable. They don't have the right to vote or the freedom to select their own job. They don't have privacy. Imagine if you were a blood royal. You couldn't go out alone. You couldn't speak about political issues. If the Imperial Household continues, many women within the family will likely become depressed. We the Japanese people should release blood royals from this fate.
Of course, the Imperial Household keeps some part of Japanese culture. But many families maintain elements of Japanese culture without requiring much economic assistance.
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