WASHINGTON -- One of the most persecuted minorities in America, and increasingly in other countries, is smokers. U.S. cities and states have imposed ever more Draconian restrictions on lighting up a cigarette, and a bipartisan coalition of paternalistic legislators on Capitol Hill now is pushing for tobacco regulation by the Food and Drug Administration.

Lighting up might be a stupid thing to do. But a free society must allow people to do stupid things. Unfortunately, the antismoking movement has moved from accommodation to suppression. Smokers also have become the great deep pocket for legislators and lawyers.

The latest antismoking effort is legislation to deliver the industry to the tender mercies of the FDA. Sens. Ted Kennedy (Massachusetts Democrat) and Mike DeWine (Ohio Republican) are leading the effort to expand the FDA's authority over cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Explained DeWine: "FDA regulation of tobacco is the most important public health bill to come up in quite a few years."