SYDNEY -- The convening of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations with Australia and New Zealand at ASEAN's meeting in the Laotian capital last week was a landmark for the region's push toward greater security and economic growth. It also started a move toward a free trade area that will have global ramifications.

Asia, though, must be a bit perplexed by the self-congratulatory noises that have come out of Canberra. The fact that Australia has its foot inside the ASEAN club door may not appear to be a big deal for some, but for oft-snubbed Canberra, it is -- especially now, when ASEAN is getting down to the business of a free trade deal of immense value to Australia.

When the Vientiane meeting closed with an invitation to Australia to attend the next confab in Kuala Lumpur in 2005, the feeling of relief here was palpable.