LOS ANGELES -- Whoever emerges as the next president of the United States must work hard indeed to set U.S. relations with the global Muslim world aright. Leaving aside America's pressing domestic concerns, that issue might prove Job No. 1 for George W. Bush or John Kerry.

To be sure, the right way to develop a better relationship is not to turn the other cheek over Muslim extremism or terrorism or develop a "politically correct" posture that treats all Muslims as peace-loving, rational and sensible. They're not -- just as no such fuzzy generalized attitudes can be applied to all Christians. Both worlds have their share of nuts who need to be isolated.

One would not presume to characterize Malaysia's former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in such extremist psychiatric terms. But the unapologetically outspoken Muslim voice in Southeast Asia is at it again! He told a Malaysian newspaper he is convinced the "ignorant" American people will re-elect Bush.