LONDON -- There are new incidents almost every day in the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Both sides retaliate and innocent bystanders, including children, are killed. No remorse is shown. Mercy and forgiveness seem never to be considered.

The temptation is to wash our hands of the whole bloody business and let both sides wear one another out. But even apart from humanitarian considerations we cannot afford to allow things to get worse. With the recent Israeli attack on a target in Syria near Damascus and the continuing insecurity in Iraq, there are dangers that the dispute will engulf other parts of the Middle East.

Suicide attacks are very difficult to stop. So far, perhaps because suicide is regarded as sinful in Christian eyes and because most Western terrorists -- such as those who operate in Northern Ireland or in the Basque separatist movement -- are not prepared to sacrifice their lives for their causes, suicide attacks have been confined to Islamic extremists who believe in holy war and jihad. If such attacks are to be stopped, it is essential that Muslims everywhere loudly condemn suicide attacks as contrary to the fundamental principles of Islam and warn that the perpetrators are not going to heaven.