LONDON -- The meeting of European Union member states in Rome to begin discussing a possible new constitution has opened on a discordant note. The smaller countries of Europe do not like the way things are going. The worries are not just those of "the usual suspects" -- the British, Danes and Swedes. There are some new voices; surprisingly, Austria, has been loudly warning its European partners that it will not stand for bullying by the bigger EU states.

This is highly significant. The Austrians have hitherto been model members of the EU, ready to go along with every scheme for integration and to follow dutifully the line set out from the center -- which means France and Germany.

Yet suddenly the tone in Vienna has changed. Like other smaller European states, they are sore at being lectured by France on how to behave, and sore that the two biggest continental countries seem to think they can break the budgetary rules (which are intended to underpin the euro) with impunity.