MADRAS, India -- At a time when the world has given up hope of peace between India and Pakistan, essentially because of fighting over Kashmir, New Delhi sprang a surprise. Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee told Parliament some days ago that he was restoring diplomatic relations with Islamabad.

Making it very clear that this will be his last attempt at peace on the subcontinent -- where the two nuclear neighbors have been claiming their right over the now divided Kashmir -- Vajpayee, at 76, proved he is indeed a leader with a genuine passion for peace.

On the other side of the fence, Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has enough clout over civilian and military forces to settle the vexed Kashmir issue. If he lacks comfortable command anywhere, it is over the religious elements in Pakistan that have been setting up camps to train fanatical militants to carry out cross-border terrorism.