LONDON/ISTANBUL -- The only possible way of exerting outside influence on the ever-worsening conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians is through a visibly balanced approach.

On the ground, blind extremism has now taken over. Moderate voices within the region have been all but silenced. Israel believes that it is fighting for its survival -- which is partly true -- and that unless it controls and dominates the territories around its borders its people will continue to be slaughtered and its nation destroyed. They are not going to listen to international demands for withdrawal from Palestinian towns unless they are offered an alternative means of security. So far none has been forthcoming.

The Palestinians, or most of their leaders and activists, along with many Arab governments, believe that Jews are the enemy, that the Palestinians are the dispossessed and that there can be no peace until all their claimed lands are returned to them and the Israelis driven into the sea. Both sides are convinced that history and legality are on their side.