LONDON -- Ample evidence suggests that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is determined to develop weapons of mass destruction and terror. There are reports of various underground laboratories working on biological and chemical weapons and possibly on nuclear devices. Iraq probably also managed to hide from U.N. inspectors, when they were allowed to operate in the country, some missiles capable of hitting targets in Israel.

Although Iraqi authorities deny that such weapons systems exist, they refuse to allow inspectors back into the country to confirm the Iraqi position. With the U.S. government's patience nearing exhaustion in the face of Iraqi stalling tactics, a U.S. attack on Iraq sometime this summer seems likely. This has already led to a hike in the price of oil and to concern in Europe about the consequences of any attack.

The basic objective of an attack on Iraq must be to remove Hussein and his palace guard and to replace them with a more democratic and moderate group. U.N. inspectors would then have to check for hidden laboratories and arms caches.