In a report published March 4, the Foreign Ministry acknowledged that Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Muneo Suzuki exerted exceptional influence over ministry affairs. The report, based on an in-house probe and released by Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi, confirmed allegations that Suzuki intervened in bids for a construction project on one of the four Russian-held islands off Hokkaido that are claimed by Japan. The report is only the first step toward reforming the scandal-plagued ministry.

The report disclosed that Suzuki meddled in ministry policy by demanding that bids for the project be limited to companies in his Hokkaido constituency. It also said Suzuki pressured the ministry not to issue a diplomatic ID card to Congo's new charge d'affaires to Japan.

Kawaguchi, answering questions on the report before the Diet, also said Suzuki intervened in the ministry's personnel appointments.