NEW YORK -- According to The Wall Street Journal I'm "probably the most bitterly anti-American commentator in America." The National Review calls me "a big fat zero, an ignorant, talentless hack with a flair for recycling leftist pieties into snarky cartoons that inspired breakfast-table chuckles among the leftist literati and the granola-munching types." It's not just conservatives who have taken a bead on me: The New Republic has cited my work in its regular "Idiocy Watch" section.

What have I done to merit such bipartisan vitriol, much of it in publications that have always ignored me? Since Sept. 11, I've written eight columns and drawn 24 editorial cartoons examining various aspects of that fateful morning and its aftermath.

Some of my pieces expressed pain and anger at the murder of thousands of innocent people. Others sought, sometimes humorously and sometimes not, to answer the widely asked question "why do they hate us so much?"