In a surprising reversal, Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid suspended Gen. Wiranto, the former head of the armed forces, who was serving as coordinating minister for politics and security affairs. Despite fears that the decision might incite the military to turn against his government, heads of the armed forces have rallied behind the president. The move is a victory for human rights, democracy and the Indonesian president, who has proved to be a match for the much-feared military.

Gen. Wiranto's suspension came only hours after an announcement that the general would stay in his post while Indonesia's attorney general investigated charges of human-rights abuses. Since the general's Cabinet responsibilities made him the attorney general's boss, suspension was only proper. A neutral, objective investigation is absolutely necessary if its conclusions are to be respected.

Mr. Wahid prepared his move well. He issued statements while overseas making clear his desire to see the general resign. Those comments, always moderate in character and offering the general a way to save face, shaped public opinion in Indonesia and abroad. The steady drumbeat raised international expectations. The general's refusal to resign made him appear to be the obstacle to reform. The promise of an amnesty if found guilty also helped Mr. Wahid keep the upper hand.