Tag - top-global-universities-in-japan



Japan Times
JAPAN / Top Global Universities in Japan
Oct 5, 2020
Top Global University Project for a brighter future
Japan has long had a reputation for impenetrability and separation from the outside world. However, this is changing rapidly in a number of ways. One example is the university system, which is quickly shifting to a globalized footing, becoming home to emerging international powerhouses in academia.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Top Global Universities in Japan
Oct 5, 2020
Creating a better future through liberal arts education
Established in 1953 in Mitaka, Tokyo, International Christian University (ICU) is one of the few universities in Japan to have a College of Liberal Arts, and it has focused on liberal arts education since its founding. Classroom buildings and facilities are located on a wooded campus of about 620,000...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Top Global Universities in Japan
Oct 5, 2020
Liberal arts offers solid foundation for future study, career
Japan Times
JAPAN / Top Global Universities in Japan
Oct 5, 2020
University, campus redefined for post-coronavirus era
Amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the significance of universities and their campuses both have been coming into question.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Top Global Universities in Japan
Oct 5, 2020
New master’s puts emphasis on international cooperation
With an aim to foster human resources capable of working in international organizations and international cooperation sectors, a new master’s program on international cooperation within the Graduate School of Global Studies is currently under development at Sophia University.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Top Global Universities in Japan
Oct 5, 2020
Expectations toward universities and global talent
The business world has high expectations for globalizing universities to better prepare students to contribute and lead as global talent. We asked David Macdonald, representative officer and president of Discovery Japan, about his expectations and hopes for universities in the global era.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Top Global Universities in Japan
Oct 5, 2020
ICU taught me to be a global citizen
Japan Times
JAPAN / Top Global Universities in Japan
Oct 5, 2020
Fulfilling student life at Sophia University


Wealthier women in the prewar era had been the targets of various media-related health campaigns that mistakenly encouraged them to avoid everything from riding bicycles to reading novels when their monthly cycles came around.
Menstruation in Japan: Breaking the silence, slowly