A preview ceremony was held Sunday for the Osaka Healthcare Pavilion to be run by the prefecture and city of Osaka at the 2025 World Exposition, which begins next month in the city.

Inside the pavilion, a myocardial cell sheet using induced pluripotent stem, or iPS, cell technology and an experience-based area where avatars are generated based on visitors' health data were shown to the press.

An evolved version of the "human washing machine," which attracted attention at the Osaka Expo 55 years ago, was also unveiled, with Osaka Gov. Hirofumi Yoshimura trying it out for himself.

The theme of the pavilion is "REBORN," meaning the reincarnation of people. The exterior of the pavilion is characterized by the image of a bird's nest, and there are three pillars that imitate the structure of DNA inside the building. Technologies related to life and health will be on display, allowing visitors to experience the future.

The human washing machine 55 years ago made headlines for automatically washing and drying users' bodies inside a capsule. The evolved version unveiled Sunday is designed to wash not only the body but also the mind by playing videos and music according to the user's mental and physical condition based on a heart rate sensor. Yoshimura said with a smile, "It felt good and I was able to relax."

After the preview event, an opening ceremony for the pavilion was held at the venue, attended by about 400 people, including company officials. Yoshimura told reporters after the ceremony: "I hope it will be a pavilion where visitors can travel in the future. I want the world to know that 'Osaka's technology is here.'"