The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations, or Nihon Hidankyo, has raised ¥44.7 million from about 5,300 people in its crowdfunding campaign that ended Sunday to help pay for costs of travel to Norway to receive this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

The travel to Oslo by a 36-member delegation from the group of Hibakusha atomic bomb survivors, from Dec. 8 through Friday, cost some ¥15 million. The group plans to use the remainder to finance its activities at home and abroad.

The group launched the crowdfunding campaign on Nov. 15 as it needed to raise money for travel expenses for the members of the delegation other than three co-chairs, whose costs were shouldered by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

The campaign achieved its goal of ¥10 million on the first day after Nihon Hidankyo members held a news conference to seek donations.

While in Oslo, Terumi Tanaka, 92, one of the co-chairs, delivered a speech at the award ceremony. Nihon Hidankyo members also pushed for the abolition of nuclear weapons through meetings with Norway's prime minister and local young people.