Nihon Hidankyo, a group of hibakusha atomic bomb survivors, won this year's Nobel Peace Prize after decades of work by now-deceased hibakusha, who spearheaded antinuclear activities while grappling with severe injuries, illnesses and the loss of their families.
Former Hidankyo co-chair Senji Yamaguchi, who died in 2013 at age 82, addressed world leaders at a U.N. General Assembly special session on disarmament in June 1982, pleading, "No more Hiroshima, no more Nagasaki, no more war, no more hibakusha."
Yamaguchi experienced the Aug. 9, 1945, atomic bombing of Nagasaki about 1.1 kilometers from the center of the explosion. He sustained severe burns on his upper body, and keloids remained on his face.
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