Koichi Hagiuda, former policy chief of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, on Tuesday expressed his intention to resign as leader of the LDP's Tokyo chapter to take responsibility for the party's poor showing in metropolitan assembly by-elections earlier this month.

The LDP fielded candidates in eight of the nine districts contested in the July 7 by-elections. Only two of the LDP candidates won seats.

"I had great responsibility as the person who oversaw" the party's by-elections campaign, Hagiuda told reporters.

Hagiuda said he will step down to ensure that the LDP makes a fresh start working on elections next year for the metropolitan assembly and the House of Councilors.

He will remain in his post until a successor is chosen, which could be as soon as early August.

He was banned from holding any senior party post for a year in April for his involvement in the LDP's slush funds scandal. However, he has remained as head of the Tokyo chapter as the punishment was only applied to party headquarters posts.