Former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Shigeru Ishiba, former Secretary-General of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, met at a restaurant in Tokyo on Monday night, fueling speculation over Ishiba's moves ahead of the LDP's leadership race expected to be held in September.

Ishiba, who is seen running in the LDP's leadership election, seems to have exchanged opinions on his future plans with Suga.

With Prime Minister Fumio Kishida set to seek reelection in the party race, Suga is increasingly critical of the Kishida administration.

Monday's meeting, which lasted about 90 minutes, was also attended by Ryota Takeda, the former internal affairs minister.

Ishiba, often found to be the most favored candidate to be the next prime minister in public opinion polls, is still struggling to strengthen his support base within the party. He has run and lost in four LDP leadership races.

Suga, a leading figure among nonmainstream members of the LDP, has some influence over party lawmakers unaffiliated with intraparty groups. His actions are drawing attention particularly after he called for Kishida's resignation last month.

Takeda is a key member of the LDP faction led by former party Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai, while he has a strained relation with LDP Vice President Taro Aso, who backs Kishida.