Now that Hokkaido’s brown bears are out of their winter hibernation, and with the summer tourist season to begin soon, the city of Sapporo is stepping up its efforts to ensure that chance encounters between bears foraging for food and humans enjoying the nature's beauty are minimized.

Visitors are urged not to walk alone, to carry bear bells and bear spray, and to have a whistle or clap their hands while out walking. Extra precautions should be taken by anyone carrying food, in case bears that have become used to the taste of kitchen compost or human food are encountered.

The warnings come amid increased contact between humans and bears. In fiscal 2023, which ended on March 31, there were 227 official reports of bear sightings within Sapporo, the highest number since 2018. These included not only sightings of bears that were sometimes captured on camera, but also discoveries of their tracks or feces. From April 1 to May 7 — the end of the Golden Week holiday period and a time when bears are emerging from winter hibernation — there were eight reported sightings.