Several political groups for Prime Minister Fumio Kishida misreported donations received in 2021, their funds reports showed Thursday, following recent revelations of improper handling of donations involving other Cabinet members.

A total of 10 cases of misreported funds have been found, including one involving the Liberal Democratic Party's Hiroshima No. 1 constituency chapter, headed by the prime minister, in which a donation worth ¥100,000 ($670) from another ruling party group was not declared.

The chapter, Kishida's fund management organization and his support group also made other errors in declaring the names of donors and the dates when the donations were made, according to their political funds reports.

An official at Kishida's office said that the mistakes will be corrected.

In an attempt to buoy the administration amid a falling support rate, Kishida reshuffled his Cabinet and LDP executive lineup earlier this month. In his previous Cabinet, he fired four ministers due partly to political funds scandals.

Several members of Kishida's new Cabinet have admitted to having inappropriately handled donations, including by receiving funds from entities that were doing business with the state before a national election. Such donations are prohibited by election law.