Tokyo reported 59 new coronavirus cases Wednesday, the metropolitan government said, adding that just 419 tests had been conducted — far fewer than usual.

The figure was the lowest for the capital since June 30, when it reported 54 cases.

But cases reported on or immediately after long holidays have typically been comparatively low due in part to reduced staffing at testing centers. Daily test figures earlier this month had routinely topped 4,000.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government said in a statement that the number of seriously ill patients fell from 30 to 28 a day earlier.

Wednesday's figure brought the cumulative number of people infected with the virus in the capital to 24,453.

On Tuesday, Tokyo reported 88 new cases.

On the same day, Japan confirmed at total of 331 new coronavirus cases and five new deaths from the virus, amid concerns over a pickup in infections after a four-day holiday that prompted more people to venture out to domestic tourist spots.