From the bottom of my heart, I would like to welcome visitors to the World Bosai Forum 2019 in the city of Sendai. In preparation for the opening of the World Bosai Forum, the World Bosai Forum Local Organizing Committee is holding a cultural event, a so-called Pre-WBF Festival, to thank the world for contributions made at the time of the Tohoku disaster. This is to convey disaster memories associated with March 11 and to share our thoughts on reconstruction.

The festival's theme is "Linking 3.11 to the Future." High school students from Miyagi and Kobe prefectures will report and exchange opinions on the role of young people in handing down earthquake disaster memories, and the circle of exchange will be expanded through local performing arts from the regions that are overcoming the disaster and moving toward recovery. I assure visitors that it is going to be a moving and unforgettable event; let us gather to reflect on and never forget the memories of the disaster.

The festival will be held at Kawauchi Hagi Hall, Tohoku University, adjacent to the Sendai International Center, from 1:20 to 5:30 p.m., on Saturday, Nov. 9. This is an open event with no admission fee. Japanese and overseas participants are both welcome to attend.

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