Marui Group Co. promotes what we call Co-Creation Sustainability Management. With this policy, we aim to bring about an inclusive and flourishing society where all people can experience happiness.

One example of this initiative can be observed at Hakata Marui opened in 2016, which houses eating establishments on its first and second floors, with inclusiveness in mind. This floor layout enables many more customers to visit this location. It was realized through the co-creation efforts with more than 15,000 of our customers.

Another collaboration with our customers led us to create what are dubbed Rakuchin Kirei Shoes, featuring a total of 16 sizes, from 19.5 to 27 centimeters, covering women's shoe sizes. This brand has sold more than 4 million pairs.

We are determined to increase our corporate value through expanding happiness for all, including future generations, with business based on co-creation.