The government may be planning to bring in nearly 345,000 foreign workers by 2023, but in Kyoto, a recent survey shows most firms outside the hospitality sector have no plans to discuss adding overseas laborers to their workforce.

The city remains a major domestic and international destination despite criticism from visitors and residents that the tourism boom is out of control, with too many people clogging the streets, restaurants, temples, shrines and other attractions, resulting in an exhausting — and disappointing — experience.

In 2017, over 53 million people, including 3.5 million foreign nationals, visited Kyoto. Construction of hotels continues apace, with over 10,000 new rooms expected to be available by 2020, according to a report earlier this year by the Kyoto Shimbun. Yet while the number of foreign visitors is expected to increase, local businesses as a whole don't seem interested in bringing in more foreign workers.