The Yuru-kyara (Promotional Mascot) Grand Prix in Japan has become one of the internet’s most anticipated events of the year. The 2018 edition lived up to expectations, and even featured a little voting drama. In the end, the city of Shiki’s Kaparu captured the crown.

Reaction came in fast, most celebrating Kaparu’s triumph. The kappa-inspired character generated plenty of fan art, several comics and even a latte design. Other costumed legends offered their congratulations. And Kaparu got plenty of media shine, including on Buzzfeed Japan’s web show, where hosts talk about topics while playing with puppies.

However, Kaparu’s victory carried undertones of a different kind of celebration. Shiki sits in Saitama Prefecture, and the green mascot’s triumph quickly became a win for the region at large. Many online users, hyped by the result, had Saitama listed somewhere on their profile. One of the publications celebrating the results happens to be a digital portal devoted to all things Saitama. Even Saitama Gov. Kiyoshi Ueda played down the reasons for Kaparu’s victory, saying that “people know its face.”