The FBI has fired agent Peter Strzok, whose anti-Trump text messages fueled controversy over the investigation into Russia's election interference, a move that U.S. President Donald Trump quickly celebrated.

"Agent Peter Strzok was just fired from the FBI — finally," Trump said in a tweet. "The list of bad players in the FBI & DOJ gets longer & longer. Based on the fact that Strzok was in charge of the Witch Hunt, will it be dropped? It is a total Hoax. No Collusion, No Obstruction — I just fight back."

But Strzok's lawyer, Aitan Goelman, who disclosed the agent's dismissal Monday, said in a statement that "this decision should be deeply troubling to all Americans. A lengthy investigation and multiple rounds of congressional testimony failed to produce a shred of evidence that Special Agent Strzok's personal views ever affected his work."