The third meeting between North Korea and South Korea may answer a question with big implications for talks going forward: Who will represent Kim Jong Un at the Winter Games?

Negotiator teams are scheduled to meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Peace House, on the south side of their shared border. While North Korea is unlikely to disclose its chief delegate to the Games at the Pyeongchang ski resort at the meeting, South Korean media and analysts speculate it could be led by either Kim's No. 2 official or his sister.

Choe Ryong Hae, vice chairman of the State Affairs Commission, was elected as a member of the party's military commission last year. With Choe currently under South Korea's financial sanctions list, it's unclear whether the 67-year-old would be allowed to travel to the Olympics, where he'd be able to mingle with senior foreign officials such as U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.