Kyushu University and the University of Maryland on Tuesday signed an accord to tie up on education and research in the area of cybersecurity aimed at jointly developing educational programs and fostering experts.

It is the first time for universities of the two countries to conclude a memorandum of understanding on academic cooperation over cybersecurity, according to the Japanese Embassy in Washington.

The University of Maryland is famous for its advanced research on cybersecurity, training experts for such institutions as the U.S. National Security Agency.

"From now on, cybersecurity will matter to everyone," Kyushu University President Setsuo Arikawa told reporters after signing the memorandum. "It is a landmark accord as it involves education." The university will make cybersecurity literacy courses compulsory for all students, he added.

At the signing ceremony at the University of Maryland, Japanese education minister Hakubun Shimomura said the partnership of the two universities will "further enhance research and education while increasing international competitiveness." His message was read out at the event.