The marketing firm Fuji Keizai reports that the eiyo inryo (nutrition beverage) market is one of the few consumer sectors that has performed spectacularly in the past few years. Often referred to as "stamina drinks" since they are typically bought by salarymen who need a boost of energy to get them through the work day, eiyo inryo saw its market balloon from ¥114.8 billion in 2010 to ¥121.7 billion in 2011. And if sales so far this year are extrapolated, revenues should increase significantly again in fiscal 2012.

Stamina drinks usually come in two sizes: mini (less that 50ml) and regular (50-100ml). They also fall into two general categories: iyakuhin, meaning they are considered "medicinal" and thus can only be sold in drug stores; and shiteii yakuhin bugai, which do not contain controlled active ingredients and thus can be sold anywhere.

The most expensive of the four general types is mini iyakuhin, and one of the biggest sellers in this category is Yunker Koteieki, made by Sato Pharmaceutical, which retails normally for ¥840 for only 30 ml. It contains lots of herbs but also extract from the gall bladders of cows. The Yunker series also boasts the most expensive stamina drink: Yunker Star, which costs ¥4,078 for 50 ml. It contains a whopping 20 herbs. According to a Sato publicity person interviewed by the Asahi Shimbun, people buy Yunker Star "when they feel tired and know they have to do something important."