The website of the government-appointed panel probing the Fukushima disaster was hit by a cyber-attack Saturday night that lasted until Sunday morning.

The content of the website was replaced with a black background and an English sentence reading, "DR. MTMRD from K.S.A. f——- your site," said Shinji Ogawa, the panel's secretary general.

An analysis of the website's access logs showed that the cyber-attack began at 11:13 p.m. Saturday, Ogawa said.

The panel, part of the Cabinet Office, discovered the intrusion at around 1 a.m. Sunday and fixed it at 4:56 a.m., he said.

Almost simultaneously, a government website for collecting public ideas on how electricity conservation came under a similar attack. That website was also fixed, he said.

It is unknown who was behind the attacks, he added.

The investigation committee's website details its research, meeting minutes and news conferences. The panel, whose members are nuclear professors, lawyers, engineers and other experts, presented an interim report in December and will file a final report this summer detailing the causes of the nuclear disaster at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1 power plant.