OSAKA — Yukio Hatoyama may have wowed fashionistas with his colorful shirts, copies of which are reportedly being sold in China for up to $500. But his successor, Naoto Kan, is also the subject of what one Tokyo firm hopes will be a new fashion trend.

Since last Thursday, Club T has been selling T-shirts over the Internet emblazoned with Kan's profile. With his arms crossed and wearing a wide grin, Kan bears more than a passing resemblance to U.S. President Barack Obama. But for those who fail to make the connection, the "Yes We Kan" slogan serves as a helpful reminder.

"The shirts are selling well, and a lot of the customers seem to be men," said a spokeswoman for Club T.

In addition to T-shirts, Kan's fans can show their support by purchasing coffee cups, cigarette lighters and USB flash memory drives emblazoned with the words "Kan Shusho" (Prime Minister). Truly hardcore supporters will no doubt appreciate the Kan Shusho dog-wear, the perfect present for politically correct pooches.