Former Prada Japan manager Rina Bovrisse filed suit Friday with the Tokyo District Court, seeking compensation for emotional distress from alleged harassment, she and her lawyers said.

An industrial tribunal at the Tokyo District Court rejected the demand March 12.

Bovrisse's lawyer submitted a statement of opposition Friday against the decision by the tribunal, which, citing lack of evidence, dismissed the former senior retail manager's demand for compensation and cancellation of her demotion and involuntary leave.

"Prada Japan did not conduct (the) unjust acts (Ms. Bovrisse) alleged, and her allegations are untrue. In fact, an industrial tribunal committee dismissed all her complaints on March 12, taking into account arguments and evidence submitted by both parties," Prada Japan said in a faxed statement to The Japan Times.

In its statement issued March 12, the Tokyo District Court said the industrial tribunal "dismissed all of (Bovrisse's) demands stated in her complaint," and that "there isn't enough evidence to recognize (Bovrisse's) complaints."

Submitting a statement of opposition to an industrial tribunal decision automatically sets in motion a civil lawsuit, said Bovrisse's lawyer, Yoshiki Kojima.

Bovrisse was dismissed from the Japan unit of the Milan-based fashion brand March 13.