Democratic Party of Japan kingpin Ichiro Ozawa on Monday was given the go sign to remain as the party's secretary general by Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama despite mounting public calls that he step down over his fund management body's involvement in a shady Tokyo land purchase.

"I asked if I could remain in my current post, and the prime minister said yes, he wanted me to continue giving my best," Ozawa said during his first news conference since his former aide and DPJ lawmaker Tomohiro Ishikawa, along with two other current and former secretaries, were released on bail Friday following their indictment for violating the Political Funds Control Law.

Separately, Hatoyama told reporters he will not seek Ozawa's resignation from the ruling party's No. 2 post, although he also acknowledged that Ozawa is politically responsible for his aides' misreporting of his political funds.