Braving smoke and explosions, Iranian entertainer Rahim Arvanaghi, 40, better known as Randy Muscle, made another name for himself Wednesday when he ran into a burning building in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, and rescued its injured owner, Shinichi Yokoyama.

Arvanaghi was visiting his agent's office nearby when the first blast was heard at about half past noon.

When he went outside to see what was happening, Arvanaghi said a crowd of people had gathered, but were keeping a safe distance from the building as small explosions followed. Approaching the building, he saw Yokoyama, bleeding and seriously burned, through a hole in the wall.

"I noticed there was a person seriously injured inside the building. He was bleeding. I immediately thought I had to help him no matter what," Arvanaghi told The Japan Times.

Entering the building through the hole, he pulled Yokoyama out.

"Within a few seconds after I rescued him, I heard a sound like fireworks going off, then I saw more fire and smoke coming from the building. I couldn't go in anymore," he said.

He said he stopped Yokoyama from trying to re-enter the building.

"He was in a state of panic. He was also using something like a board to fan the fire, probably in an attempt to put it out. He said he was all right and his wife was still in the building," Arvanaghi said.