French Prime Minister Francois Fillon and Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda agreed Friday to further promote bilateral cooperation on a varied economic agenda, in particular their push to combat global warming, the main topic of the Group of Eight summit in July in Hokkaido.

The two leaders agreed to prioritize negotiations on global warming through the United Nations, they said in a statement issued after the meeting in Tokyo.

They also issued a statement to further promote cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technologies, an area where France is one of the world's leaders.

"Japan is a partner which shares common visions toward the world," Fillon told a news conference at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

Fukuda said he is particularly happy to meet the French prime minister at this time, as Japan is the host of this year's G8 summit and the two countries are observing the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

A number of trade shows, symposiums and other economic events are planned between the two countries to commemorate the anniversary this year.

Fillon arrived Thursday on a four-day trip accompanied by French business leaders and three other government ministers.