The ruling bloc withdrew its contentious stopgap bill to briefly extend the extra rates on gasoline and other auto-related taxes after agreeing Wednesday with the opposition to "reach a conclusion" on the fiscal 2008 budget and related bills by the end of March.

Lower House Speaker Yohei Kono, who mediated the agreement, and Upper House President Satsuki Eda said they understand the accord means that the opposition-controlled Upper House will vote on the budget and related bills by March 31. This interpretation means the Liberal Democratic Party-New Komeito alliance can make sure all of the bills clear the Diet before the new fiscal year begins April 1.

But Yukio Hatoyama, secretary general of the Democratic Party of Japan, left it vague whether the largest opposition party agreed to hold an Upper House vote on the bills by the end of March, saying the phrase "reach a conclusion" "has various meanings."