havoc with rice crops," Zeigler said in an interview last month.

Rice is a staple in more than 100 countries and provides 20 percent of the calories humans consume. About 90 percent of the land used to grow rice is in Asia, with India, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and the Philippines accounting for 80 percent of the total.

Recent meteorological data show the mercury rising, raising concerns about Japan's rice crop. A Yomiuri Weekly report in September noted that in parts of Kyushu, the average daily temperature for early August has risen 4 to 6 degrees since 1980.

Zeigler's institute, known as IRRI, was founded in 1960 with money from the Rockefeller and Ford foundations. Its purpose was to become a modern research center on rice with the aim of preventing famines in Asia. Zeigler was in Japan to accept the sixth annual Iue Asia Pacific Research Prize, which was established by the Asia Pacific Forum Awaji Conference Japan, in Hyogo Prefecture, in 2000.