duties," she said, "It feels odd to hear it now when he did not say anything about it right after the defeat in the House of Councillors election" for Abe's Liberal Democratic Party.

A Kyodo News survey released on Aug. 28 showed 48.2 percent of people polled were against an extension compared with 38.6 percent in favor of it.

Hisaoki Kamei, secretary general of the People's New Party, said that Abe "should have quit under normal circumstances because of the result of the upper house election, but he stayed. He may have expressed what he felt but I am not sure if he really will resign" if an extension is not realized.

A ranking official of the DPJ said, "As there is not enough time left for maneuvering with a bill to revise the terrorism special-measures law for an extension, the government and the ruling coalition are probably thinking about pulling out the Self-Defense Forces first, thereby making the DPJ seem like the bad guy, and then coming up with a new law. The prime minister's remarks may well reflect such an intention."