Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. has resumed the final test for commissioning its fuel-reprocessing plant in Rokkasho, Aomori Prefecture, following a four-month hiatus caused by miscalculations of earthquake resistance for equipment.

The test resumed Friday Aomori Gov. Shingo Mimura gave his approval.

The test was getting ready to enter the fourth stage of a five-stage process in April when the miscalculations were discovered.

In the fourth stage, the plant is to produce vitrified high-level radioactive waste while reprocessing 110 tons of fuel.

Mimura gave the green light to JNFL President Isami Kojima at his office in the prefectural capital, saying he "recognizes the improvement measures presented by JNFL and the central government."

But the governor also urged JNFL to strictly implement the measures to prevent the miscalculations from recurring and to report on the results to the local government. The equipment in question was supplied by Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd.

After reinforcement work on the equipment was completed Aug. 17, Mimura received the OK to resume the commissioning test from the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency and consulted with prefectural assembly factions, mayors and experts.

Even so, the opening of the plant is likely be delayed until next spring because JNFL will still have to win local support for the plant after the final test is finished.