A substance derived from a banned antibiotic has been found in processed eel products imported from China, the Gunma Prefectural Government said.

A metabolite from the antifungal agent malachite green was detected in products sold at supermarkets in the prefecture, officials at Gunma's health and welfare bureau said Friday.

The amount of the detected substance was small, so consuming normal amounts of the products is not likely to pose a health risk, they said.

The products were first imported by Tokushima Uoichi in March. Because no banned substances were detected at that time, the health ministry approved their import. The products were delivered mainly to the Kanto region.

In Gunma Prefecture alone, the company delivered products equivalent to about 1,350 eels. The amount already sold is equivalent to about 1,100 eels. The rest was pulled from store shelves, the officials said.

Malachite green is an organic compound containing chlorine. Because of its antibacterial property, it is widely used for treating fungal diseases of aquarium fish.