has been asked to cooperate (in the international community) and we ourselves need to protect the lives and assets of the people, and it is natural that we discuss what is (a suitable) new Constitution."

The Constitution stipulates that any changes to the charter must be approved by a two-thirds majority in both houses of the Diet and then by a simple majority in a national referendum. But no legal framework has so far been established to hold the referendum.

"I believe that it was negligence on the part of the lawmakers that a law to set procedures to revise the Constitution — which is stipulated in Article 96 (of the charter) — had not been established for 60 years," LDP Upper House lawmaker Yoichi Masuzoe told the panel.

The bill stipulates that Japanese nationals aged 18 and over will be able to vote. The original bill, submitted by the LDP and New Komeito to the regular Diet session last year, had stipulated age 20 and over.