is stronger than expected. Everybody made mistakes in war projections. Notably, the army of war specialists was wrong in observing the situation."

On Jan. 9, 1941: he said, "Japan had underestimated China. It is much wiser to cease the war as early as possible and to cultivate (Japan's) national power for some 10 years."

During a visit to Kyoto in December 1942, he is quoted as saying: "War cannot be contained midway once it has broken out. We had suffered a bitter experience in the Manchurian Incident," referring to the conflict between Japan and China that erupted in September 1931 in Manchuria, or northeastern China.

Imperial Japanese Army troops seized Manchuria five months after the Manchurian Incident, known in China as the Sept. 18 Incident. The conflict led to a war with China from 1937 to 1945.