A U.S. Marine Corps helicopter dropped a disused vehicle into the sea about 200 meters off a U.S. Army installation in the village of Yomitan, Okinawa, at around 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, the marines said.

The CH-53E helicopter ran into turbulence after taking off at the U.S. Army Torii Station and released the car into the sea to ensure the safety of the crew and the chopper, they said.

The nonmilitary car was being transported to an airfield on the island for use in an exercise, the marines said, adding it will later retrieve the vehicle from the sea.

The Naha Defense Facilities Administration Bureau requested the U.S. military to investigate the incident and ensure safety in the area. Village officials will decide on their course of action Thursday, they said.

In the village in 1965, a fifth-grade girl was crushed to death when a trailer that was descending by parachute in an exercise missed its target on the ground and fell on her.

The marines said the helicopter's flight path was over the sea to avoid flying over residential areas.