Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, arrived Wednesday in Japan for talks with officials on the nuclear disputes with North Korea and Iran, officials said.

ElBaradei is scheduled to have talks with Foreign Minister Taro Aso, trade minister Akira Amari and other top officials during his visit, which ends Monday, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. He will also discuss global nuclear nonproliferation efforts, it said.

The visit by the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize winner comes amid Japanese sanctions against North Korea, which held a declared nuclear test Oct. 9 that prompted some members of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government to publicly suggest that the policy against nuclear weapons be re-examined.

Japan has a three-pronged policy of not possessing, developing or stationing nuclear arms.

ElBaradei, who last visited Japan in October 2004, will also attend public seminars in Tokyo and Kyoto to promote understanding of peaceful uses of nuclear energy.