Japan and China will lay the groundwork later this month for resuming discussions between their defense chiefs after a three-year hiatus, officials in Tokyo said Wednesday.

The two sides are arranging talks in Japan between Zhang Qinsheng, a senior officer in the People's Liberation Army, and Defense Agency Vice Minister Takemasa Moriya, a Defense Agency spokesman said on condition of anonymity, citing protocol.

The meetings may be held Nov. 28 and 29, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun said.

Ministerial-level defense talks have been suspended since 2003 amid strained diplomatic relations blamed in part on Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's repeated visits to Yasukuni Shrine.

During his fence-mending trip to Beijing last month, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed with President Hu Jintao to boost mutual trust in the area of security through exchanges with defense officials.