Following is a breakdown of the financial sanctions imposed by Japan on North Korea on Tuesday:

Under the sanctions, Japanese authorities:

-- Name 15 organizations and one individual subject to restrictions under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law and bans the transfer of funds to them. They are:

* Kohas AG

* Korea International Chemical Joint Venture Co.

* Korea Kwangsong Trading Corp.

* Korea Complex Equipment Import Corp.

* Korea Tonghae Shipping Co.

* Korea Pugang Trading Corp.

* Korea Mining Development Trading Corp.

* Korea Ryonha Machinery Joint Venture Corp.

* Korea Ryonbong General Corp.

* Korea Ryongwang Trading Corp.

* Tanchon Commercial Bank

* Tosong Technology Trading Corp.

* Pyongyang Informatics Center

* Hesong Trading Corp.

* Ponghwa Hospital

* Jakob Steiger, president of Kohas AG

-- Request that entities, including financial institutions, confirm customer identities and report any suspicious transactions.

-- Will inspect financial institutions to ensure they are meeting their obligations to confirm customer identities and other details related to overseas cash transfers.

See related links:
Tokyo cuts North's cash supply
China unhappy with latest sanctions
Abductee kin hope latest sanctions help